
New Release 14/02/24 - A Killing Thing

South London based musician and producer Sonskrif (a Cornish word for ‘sound-recording’) delivers a heavyweight, haunting version of the traditional Irish folk song ‘Oh Love It Is A Killing Thing’, featuring vocals by Manchester-born South Asian singer Madeeha Mubarak. In a tough dubwise interpretation of the enduring folk original - a historic song with a chronology dating way back - Sonskrif shapes formidable minimalist electronics around a beautiful one-take vocal sung by Mubarak, producing a fierce, brooding work of bassled physicality and cathartic lyricism. Evoking a unique encounter between the melancholic roots music of Lankum and Shirley Collins, and the arresting mixing desk experimentation of Adrian Sherwood and Kevin Richard Martin aka The Bug, ‘A Killing Thing’ is described as a song “built for a sound system that will resonate with anyone who has dealt with love & loss”. [More]

Sonskrif Hoodies & T-shirts

Customised and Up-cycled Hoodies & T-shirts.

Branded Sonskrif apparel for a good cause. Sourced locally, low cost, high quality - new or nearly new items, hand picked from charity shops and lovingly screen printed to order. Pay just the basic cost plus shipping with all proceeds donated to the charities at source. Manifest item by placing your order with us, stating your required size. Colour depends on what the universe has on offer at the time of supply. T-Shirts pay no more than £5, Hoodies no more than £12 plus P&P. [More]

2018 on Sonskrif

This year will see the release of a new 5 track mini album by Adrian Lawrence, Abrar Hafiz and Patrick Luke aka Official Burnt Toast. It will be OBT's second and final outing for the label. Due date Summer 2018.

Here's what BBC Introducing said about OBT's debut album TUBS n TONGUE-FU (2015) "“Gnarling, spitting, edgy - the revolution will be televised! Deep nasty bass, shuffling loops from the dark side, guitars from the belly of Satan and muted trumpets from The World Of Jazz. You, dear listeners, loved this crisp observational burst of energy. It garnered the most votes on our Listening Post and I can see/hear why. Official Burnt Toast is the UK-based Canadian alt/hiphop artist Adrian Lawrence with Abrar Hafiz & Patrick Luke. Sonskrif is the label they work under - and it’s refreshing to see rap resonating with the Fresh On The Net audience - salute!” BBC6 Music Introducing / Tom Robinson
